Boarding Activities

Beyond the classroom students are offered the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of boarding activities, including residential trips and tours during weekends. These opportunities support academic activities as well as helping students develop as individuals and essentially further enthusiasm and ambition.

Boarders enjoy many activities during the week and at weekends. We encourage a good balance where boarders are free to join as many activities as they like or equally they may choose to relax and socialise with their friends.

Students are supervised by a duty member of staff at all times when on site at Padworth.  With parental permission, they may go offsite in groups of 3 or more.  Occasionally on trips, students are given time to explore in groups of 3, but a member of staff is always in the area and contactable by phone.

A typical schedule may be as follows:

  • Every Evening: Homework and study support
  • Mondays: Badminton
  • Tuesdays: Basketball
  • Wednesdays: In-house recreational activities such as board and card games, pool, table tennis and table football, etc.
  • Thursdays: Football
  • Fridays: Off-campus recreational activities such as ice-skating, yoga, cinema, bowling, horse riding, etc.
  • Weekends: Excursions to Oxford, Reading etc. Attending live sports event. London sightseeing.

There are no fixed ‘exeat’ weekends for students.