Inspection Reports

Padworth College is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

British Council Report, November 2023

We are delighted to announce the results of the British Council’s latest inspection of Padworth College under the Accreditation UK Scheme. Under the Scheme, accredited centres are inspected every four years.  These external inspections assure that an accredited centre meets or exceeds the agreed quality standards in management, resources and environment, teaching, welfare and care of under 18s.

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report, March 2023

ISI conducted a Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection of Padworth College in March 2023.  The College was compliant, with all minimum standards being Met.

With regard to Educational Quality, the inspectors commented that the pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements is Good.  The inspectors commented that pupils have positive attitudes and are eager to learn, with a willingness to participate actively.  In addition, pupils make good progress as a result of the regular assessment system and achieve well in lessons.

Pupils’ Personal Development was also considered to be Good.  Here, the inspectors highlighted that pupils’ respect for and appreciation of the diversity of their boarding community is excellent.  Pupils have well-developed social awareness, collaborate readily, respect differences and show empathy and patience in their relationships with others.  Furthermore, they display strong decision-making skills, with good self-confidence due to the school’s caring and nurturing environment.

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Progress Monitoring Visit Report, January 2020

In January 2020, the College was subject to an unannounced monitoring visit at the request of the Department for Education, to check that the College had implemented fully the Action Plan submitted following the short visit inspection conducted in June 2019. During the visit, the inspectors held discussions with the Principal, Senior Leadership Team and other members of staff and met with the proprietors. They visited different areas of the College and talked with groups of students. They also scrutinised a range of documentation, records and policies, including policies relating to safeguarding and the welfare, health and safety of pupils.

Overall, the College was compliant, with all required standards being Met

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Additional Report from 2019

The College was subject to an Additional Inspection by ISI in June 2019, with a focus on the College’s compliance with the Education (Independent Schools Standards) Regulations 2014 (ISSRs), the National Minimum Standards for Boarding 2015.

Overall, the College was compliant in relation to three of the minimum standards being assessed, but in the case of two of the minimum standards, ISI concluded that these were ‘Not Met’. As a result, the College is now implementing an Action Plan, which will be reviewed by ISI in due course.

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report from 2018

Regulatory Compliance Inspections consist of a brief overview of the school’s pupils broken down according to class size, gender and age range and an outline of the school’s mission statement. Schools are expected to meet every requirement which form a set of minimum standards by which to understand a school’s performance. Each category of assessment is deemed either Met or Not Met.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate conducted a Regulatory Compliance Inspection from November 28-29, 2018. A team of three inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of their work. They held discussions with members of staff and with the proprietors and observed a sample of extracurricular activities. The inspectors visited all parts of the College, including the boarding houses, together with the learning and pastoral support functions. The responses of parents, pupils and staff to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed and the inspectors examined curriculum and other documentation made available by the College. The responses to the questionnaire were positive and we were very pleased with the number of completed questionnaires that were returned.

Overall, the College was compliant, with all minimum standards being Met. This latest inspection builds on the positive inspection outcome from October 2015, which focused on Padworth College’s educational quality provision.

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report from 2015

The College’s educational quality provision was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in 2015. ISI rated the College as ‘Excellent’ in three main areas of educational provision and ‘Good’ in the remainder:

  1. The quality of the pupils’ achievements and learning is GOOD.
  2. The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision is GOOD.
  3. The contribution of teaching is EXCELLENT.
  4. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils is EXCELLENT.
  5. The contribution of arrangements for pastoral care is EXCELLENT.
  6. The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety is GOOD.
  7. The quality of boarding is GOOD.
  8. The quality of governance is GOOD.
  9. The quality of leadership and management, including links with parents is GOOD.

At the time of the inspection, former Principal, John Aguilar commented: “We are delighted with the latest ISI report which reflects the progress we have made since the last Inspection in 2011. The Inspectors paid tribute to the high quality of teaching, the excellent arrangements for pastoral care and remarked upon the happy friendly atmosphere they encountered at the College. The overwhelming theme of the report highlights the caring and professional approach of our staff and trustees and I am very proud of the entire college community.”

The quality of teaching and pastoral care were both deemed excellent as was the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students. The Inspectors commented that, “The high quality of teaching is consistently characterised by a thorough understanding of individual pupils’ needs and a true desire for all pupils to achieve their potential.”

British Council Accreditation UK Report from 2018

Accreditation UK is a quality assurance scheme for schools, colleges and universities which offer courses in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Padworth College is accredited by the British Council under this Scheme, for the teaching of English in the UK. The Scheme gives an assurance of quality to international students who are taking or are planning to take an English language course in the UK.

The British Council inspected and accredited Padworth College in May 2018. The Scheme assesses the standards of management, resources and premises, teaching, welfare, and safeguarding for under 18s and accredits organisations which meet the overall standard in each area inspected.

Strengths were noted in the areas of teaching, care of students, academic staff profile, learner management, accommodation, and leisure opportunities.

The inspection report stated that the organisation met the standards of the Scheme.

British Council Accreditation UK ‘Spot Check’ Report from 2019

Following the change of ownership, the British Council conducted a ‘Spot Check’ inspection of Padworth College in June 2019. The report from this brief inspection stated that the organisation continued to meet the standards of the Accreditation UK Scheme.